Tell me about Golf Course Management

The course is completely online, everything you need is within the course. We use the Canvas system, ours is termed Scarlet. You may have used a branded Canvas system elsewhere if you've done any online courses.

We have a recommended time to complete of 10 weeks, but this is a self-paced course, so it might take more or less time depending on how much time you can devote to it along with work or other responsibilities. You can begin the course at any time. Our goal is to get students to complete the course, but we also realize that most of our students are adults with many other things going on in their lives and we work with students to help them achieve this goal.

The format is a series of lecture-type videos contained in subject-based modules. There is a quiz at the end of the module on that material. You have two attempts on each quiz with the highest score kept.

There is no final or comprehensive quiz at the end.

There are a couple of extra credit quizzes that are optional where you can improve your score if you wish.

There are no extras needed - no books, supplemental purchases, etc. Everything you need for the course is within the course. There are some recommended e-books, but those are only available to you if you have a Mac or iPad. They are optional and not necessary to complete the course.

There are no refunds once you have paid for the course, so please be sure that you want to take the course before paying. We've never had a problem with this though. Also, we only take credit cards for payment.

You can find more info about the course at:

You will also find the link to register for the course there.